Government Support.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
• Three-year extension of the Production Tax Credit for wind energy through the year 2012 and increase to 2.1 cents per KW/h produced.
• The ability to claim an investment tax credit of 30% in lieu of the PTC.
• The Treasury Department grant program in lieu of the ITC allowing a one-time cash grant of 30% of the cost for wind farms placed in service by the year 2010 or placed in service before the credit termination date of January 1, 2013, provided construction of such property began before December 2010.
All of the above-mentioned tax benefits are subject to further restrictions and caveats, as detailed in a Confidential Private Placement Memorandum which is not available to the general public.

Texas Public Utility Commission Transmission Plan.
The PUC has awarded $4.5 billion to eight companies to create, design, construct and test new transmission lines running from the Central Texas Wind Corridor to the major Texas metropolitan areas such as Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
These new transmission lines and facilities have a majority of their designated capacity earmarked for the transport of electrical energy from the West Texas Wind Corridor to the large municipal end-users.
Government support.
Potential government incentives ranging from production tax credits to cash grants. Renewable Portfolio Standards set by state and federal governments mandating the use of renewable energy generation.
Public awareness of the effect of oil addiction and climate change. New technology for wind equipment and evaluation.
Infrastructure improvements and availability for electricity transmission approved and in process.
Electricity usage has been forecast to increase to a point of doubling within 15 years.

"To finally spark the creation of a clean energy economy, we will make the investments in the next three years to double our nation’s renewable energy."
President Barack Obama
February 26, 2009